City Preparing to Install Traffic Safety Delineators

Post Date:11/08/2018 2:34 PM

GREENVILLE, N.C. — In an effort to reduce traffic accidents, the City of Greenville Public Works Department is preparing to install delineators at six locations that statistics show are most accident prone. Work will begin the week of November 12-16, with a goal of restricting both left turns and through movements from side roads and driveways.Delineator2

Locations selected for the traffic enhancements are:

  • Arlington Boulevard at Wimbledon Drive
  • Charles Boulevard at Oakmont Drive
  • Charles Boulevard at Elm Street
  • Charles Boulevard at Smythewyck Drive
  • Charles Boulevard at Turnbury Drive
  • Greenville Boulevard at Belvedere Drive

Locations were selected based on recommendations by a Traffic Safety Committee that consists of representatives from Greenville Police, Greenville Public Works, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, East Carolina University, and Vidant Health. The committee considered traffic crash statistics when making recommendations. Each location experienced a high number of accidents related to left-turning vehicles and/or two-way center left turn lanes.

The installation of all delineators will take approximately eight weeks. Aerial views highlighting each location are included below.

Charles Boulevard

Charles Elm

Charles Oakmont

Greenville Boulevard

Arlington Boulevard

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