Greenville, NC
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2000 Cedar Lane
Greenville, NC 27835
(252) 329-4540
Project Management
As a growing community, the City of Greenville manages a variety of projects designed to enhance quality of life and make our community healthier and safer. Project Management oversees the capital projects for the city in an effort to ensure a collaborative and successful process from beginning to end. The Project Management Department also oversees facility improvement projects which include new construction projects, renovations, and facility maintenance needs.
More information about ongoing projects is available below. For more information about the City's capital facility projects, call (252) 329-4540.
Greenfield Terrace Park Improvements
The Greenfield Terrace Park improvements include a 1,000-square feet addition to the Barnes-Ebron-Taft Community Building, the replacement of smaller playground equipment, parking lot improvements, the resurfacing of the existing basketball court, and landscape improvements.
Project Timeline: Construction began in August 2024. Completion is expected in Spring 2025.
Cost: $1.22 million
Project Contact: Mike Watson,
Wildwood Park PARTF Project
Wildwood Park Boardwalk - West Side Canal Crossing
The Wildwood Park boardwalk project includes a 60-foot pedestrian boardwalk that spans a small canal on the west side of the park. This boardwalk will complete the trail loop around the west side lake.
Project Timeline: Construction scheduled to begin in August and end in early 2025.
Construction Cost: $263,600
Project Contact: Mark Nottingham,
Live Fire Training Facility
The scope of work for this project includes the construction of a Class "A" Live Fire Training Facility for Greenville Fire/Rescue.
Project Timeline: The design phase begins in 2024.
Project Budget: $500,000
Project Contact: Ross Peterson,