Greenville, NC
Home MenuHistoric Preservation
The City of Greenville recognizes that historic preservation is a vital tool for protecting the city’s heritage, revitalizing its neighborhoods, enhancing quality of life in Greenville, and stimulating economic development in the region.
Greenville has one local historic district, College View, which is located adjacent to the East Carolina University. College View Historic Architectural Survey and map. There are 29 Local Landmarks, which are individually designated because of their significance in terms of history, prehistory, cultural importance, and architecture. See map of all districts and landmarks. All of these properties are under the purview of the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).
Any exterior change within the College View Historic District or to a Local Landmark has to be approved via a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) from the HPC prior to beginning the work, regardless of other required city permits. All proposed work must meet the Design Guidelines. Click here for a list of some repairs and improvements that can be approved by staff.
Greenville has five districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
College View Architectural Survey and map
Tobacco Warehouse Architectural Survey and map
Downtown Commercial Architectural Survey and map
Dickinson Avenue Architectural Survey and map
Skinnerville-Greenville Heights Architectural Survey and map
The historic preservation program promotes the identification, evaluation, rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse of the City's historic resources.
This StoryMap showcases all of the Historic Landmarks and Districts. Feel free to scroll through to learn about what a Local and National Landmark Designation is, as well as a brief description of each Landmark and District.
Contact the Historic Preservation Commission Staff Liaison, Blake Privette, Planner I at or 252.329.4486 with any questions or inquiries.