Sports Complex Task Force

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Due to an increase in sports tourism demand in Greenville-Pitt County, the Greenville City Council asked the local sports commission (Play Greenville, NC Sports) to hire a consultant to look at the feasibility of a sports complex for the Greenville-Pitt County area. In September of 2023, Victus Advisors was chosen to conduct the study, looking at all possible avenues of sports and complex facilities. The study was delivered to City Council at its annual retreat in late January 2024 and the recommendation from Victus focused on a softball and baseball game image from behind batter

After reviewing the study, the City Council asked for additional information on the possibilities of adding rectangle fields to the initial recommendation. This second part of research was received by the Council during its workshop in May. At that time, the Council agreed to additional vetting of this potential opportunity.

Given the magnitude of the project, the Council authorized the creation of a task force for this purpose. The role of the Sports Complex Task Force will include ( but not may be limited to) the following actions:

  • Engage community interest in moving the project forward
  • Engaging interest of partners in sharing use of existing athletic parks
  • Seek interest in partners (public and private) to assist in funding/operating a complex
  • Vet potential locations where a sports complex could be located; includes community engagement
  • Consider potential of future city/county tax districts that could be formed to fund future operating and capital costs
  • Work with the business community on potential sponsorships and naming rights
  • Explore the opportunity to spearhead any future general obligation bond

This page has been created as a measure of transparency and communication for both task force members and the public. Questions regarding the progress of the task force or posted information on this page can be directed to

Sports Complex Task Force Feasibility Study Report

Sports Complex Task Force Meeting Schedule, Agenda, and Minutes

August 15, 2024 - Agenda, Minutes, Presentation

September 17, 2024 - 3 p.m. at City Hall, 200 West Fifth Street Agenda, MinutesPresentation

October 17, 2024 - 3 p.m. at City Hall, 200 West Fifth Street Agenda, Minutes