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1500 Beatty Street
Greenville, NC 27834
Cedar Lane Storm Drain Improvement Project
This project is currently delayed due to all bids exceeding the allocated funding for the project.
The Cedar Lane Storm Drainage Improvement Project will address flooding issues caused by outdated and undersized drainage infrastructure along Cedar Lane.
The Cedar Lane System collects drainage from approximately 10.3 acres and 70% impervious along Cedar Lane between Jaycee Park and Tryon Drive. This system drains runoff along Cedar Lane, with deficiencies noted in the area of the Cedar Lane / Wright Road intersection, as well as at the entrance to Eastern Elementary School.
The drainage area encompasses parking lots for Jaycee Park and Eastern Elementary School, and single family residential lots with < 0.5 acre lots.
According to modeling results, the northern portion of the Cedar Lane system did not meet a 10-year LOS. The southern portion appeared to be adequately sized even during a 100-year event however, after CCTV of this section, poor condition was noted. This section has significant bellies in the pipe as well as broken or separated joints.
Public Infrastructure Impacts:
- Gas lines, water mains, and sanitary sewer lines were identified as potential site restrictions and utility conflicts in the project area.
- There is curb and gutter located along Davis Street, Vance Street, and W 3rd Street that will need to be removed and replaced as part of this project.
- Construction will impact traffic to the main entrances to Eastern Elementary School and Jaycee Park.
Private Property Impacts:
- Access to several residential properties may be impacted during construction.
Project Description
Proposed improvements will provide a 10-year level of service, and are estimated to install or replace approximately 1,400 linear feet of pipe, along with 20 catch basins and/or drop inlets.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is the existing downstream drainage sufficient to handle flows? Will changes affect the sizing of pipes downstream?
- The hydraulic modeling was not analyzed beyond the outfall of the pipe for capacity. The outfall is being stabilized for changes in discharge from the pipes.
- Private properties in this area currently have drainage issues. What can the city do to help with these issues?
- Dependent upon utilities, vegetation, and drainage patterns, locations of catch basins and inlets may be adjusted to allow for future drainage connections. The drainage within private property is the responsibility of the property owner and beyond the scope of this project.
Traffic Controls, Pedestrian Access, General Construction
- Is the proposed street width adequate?
- The Traffic Division analyzed design and width allows parking on both sides of street and determined it to be adequate.
- Will this project limit my access to my property?
- The contractor will be required to maintain access to all properties. There may be times when construction is directly adjacent to a property causing a temporary disruption to access during certain times of the day.
- There are two phases for construction for this project: Phase I is from Golden Road to the north on Cedar Lane, and Phase II is from Golden Road to the south on Cedar Lane. A detour plan for each phase will be utilized.
- Is there a plan for a pedestrian access route?
- The contractor will maintain some kind of pedestrian access throughout the area. There will be posted pedestrian detours.
- How will citizens be notified of future public meetings for the project?
- The City will mail postcards to residents and property owners in the project area, and will post signs in the project area announcing future public meetings.
- How will my questions/concerns be addressed and communicated?
- A summary of questions/answers received by mail, phone, email, or at the public meetings, will be posted here on the project webpage.
- Project email:
- Will a full-time inspector be on the project?
- The City intends to award a professional services contract for Construction Administration to include inspection.
- Will the City provide us with points of contact should any questions or concerns come up during construction?
- Yes. Points of contact for the construction phase will be provided to the public.
- When is the project proposed to take place and what is the timeline for completion?
- Funding for construction has not been identified at this time. The intent is to have funding in place to complete construction during summer 2021. If funding is not available, we will delay until the following summer to avoid school conflicts.
- During construction, will the contractor be held to working hours?
- These requirements will be outlined in the specifications. Some exceptions are allowed for working weekends or extended hours for certain types of work, such as facilitating utility services or property access. The contractor will be required to have written approval from the City to utilize time outside of normal work hours.
- This will be discussed further in future public meetings.
- Will trees/shrubs be removed and replaced where there are screening and buffer requirements or needs?
- The City will replace any removed vegetation on private property in an effort to restore screening and buffers. Replacement vegetation size, location, and species will be coordinated with the property owner.
- Specifically for this project, the school currently has two rows of pine trees along the street right of way. One row, and potentially both rows will need to be removed for installation of contiguous sidewalk. The plan is to replace trees in this area to create adequate buffer.
- There may be minor vegetation removal near the outlet for installation of erosion control measures. This will be replanted, as well.
- Will any private fences be removed or relocated?
- The design will limit the impact to private property as much as possible. Where fences must be removed, temporary fencing can be coordinated with the property owner during construction and permanent fencing replaced in-kind after construction.
- Will there be tree protection requirements?
- Yes, the contract will have tree protection fencing for trees in the project area that are intended to remain.
- Will the road, curb and gutter, and sidewalk be removed to full length all at once or in phases?
- The contractor must work in phases identified in plans; however further specifics of means and methods are determined by the contractor. The contractor will be required to either backfill or fence any open excavations at the end of each working day.
- Specific construction-related questions will be addressed at a future public meeting.
- Will sidewalk ramps be replaced to ADA standards, including crosswalks and stop bars?
- Yes, all improvements will be brought to current standards.
Water, Sewer, Gas, & Electric Utilities
- Has Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC) been involved in the plan review process?
- Yes. GUC has reviewed the plans and is evaluating and coordinating all needed improvements to water, sewer, gas, and electric systems in the project area.
- Will there be service interruptions and how will we be notified?
- This will be covered in a future public meeting. Citizens are normally notified twice (by contractor and GUC). GUC notifies 48 hours in advance when possible, either in person or by door hangers.
- Will there be bypass pumping? Will the pumps be silent?
- This will also be discussed at a future public meeting. GUC requires critically silenced pumps near residences. For this project, no bypass pumping for sewer is anticipated. Any required erosion control pumps would also be specified as “silent”.