Greenville, NC
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1500 Beatty Street
Greenville, NC 27834
Cedar Lane Stream Restoration Project
To view the presentation from this project's most recent public meeting, click here.
Property owners can click here to sign up for an individual meeting to discuss property impacts.
The proposed Cedar Lane Stream Stabilization Project will take place along a confined section of Reedy Branch that runs parallel to East Wright Road from 14th Street to behind Jaycee Park.
The site’s drainage area contains residential areas, is approximately 0.2 square miles in size, and has 75% urban land-use and 27% impervious area. This site is reported in City records as having extensive bank erosion.
Bank erosion in an approximately 1,500-foot section was determined to be unstable, according to the Channel Evolution Model, exhibiting signs of channel widening, slumped material, and degradation.
Public Infrastructure Impacts:
- Construction will impact traffic to the library entrance to Jaycee Park.
Private Property Impacts:
- Permanent Drainage Easements and Temporary Construction Easements will be required along the private properties throughout the reach of the stabilization project.
- Some tree removal and grading will be required.
- Private fencing and structures may require removal or relocation.
Project Description
Bank stabilization at Cedar Lane has a high potential to reduce bank erosion and sediment loading to Reedy Branch. These objectives are achieved by:
- Grading activities are limited to the unstable areas minimizing disturbance.
- Leaving existing concrete and imbricated revetments throughout the proposed project.
- Planting livestakes, seeding, herbaceous and woody shrubs, and trees that are suitable for a shaded tree canopy and frequent flooding conditions.
- Use of green living walls for reinforcement measures of steep slopes.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Private properties in this area currently have drainage or erosion issues. What can the city do to help with these issues? The drainage within private property is the responsibility of the property owner and beyond the scope of this project.
Traffic Controls, Pedestrian Access, General Construction
- Will this project limit my access to my property? The contractor will be required to maintain access to all properties. The construction limits of disturbance for this project will be along the stream in the rear yards of the properties.
- How will citizens be notified of future public meetings for the project? The City will mail postcards to residents and property owners in the project area, and will post signs in the project area announcing future public meetings.
- How will my questions/concerns be addressed and communicated? A summary of questions and answers received by mail, phone, email, or at the public meetings will be posted here on the project webpage. The project email address is
- Will the City provide us with points of contact should any questions or concerns come up during construction? Yes. Points of contact for the construction phase will be provided to the public.
- When is the project proposed to take place and what is the timeline for completion? The intent is to have funding in place to begin construction during summer 2023. Construction is expected to take 6-9 months.
- During construction, will the contractor be held to working hours? These requirements will be outlined in the specifications. Some exceptions are allowed for working weekends or extended hours for certain types of work, such as facilitating utility services or property access. The contractor will be required to have written approval from the city to utilize time outside of normal work hours.
- Will trees/shrubs be removed and replaced where there are screening and buffer requirements or needs? The City will plant vegetation on private property in an effort to restore screening and buffers. Vegetation size, location, and species may be coordinated with the property owner.
- Will any private fences be removed or relocated? The design will limit the impact to private property as much as possible. Where fences must be removed, temporary fencing can be coordinated with the property owner during construction and permanent fencing replaced in-kind after construction is complete.
- Will there be tree protection requirements? Yes, the contract will have tree protection fencing for trees in the project area that are intended to remain.
Water, Sewer, Gas, & Electric Utilities
- Has Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC) been involved in the plan review process? Yes. GUC is reviewing the plans and is evaluating and coordinating all needed improvements to water, sewer, gas, and electric systems in the project area.
- Will there be service interruptions and how will we be notified? Service interruptions are not anticipated with this project. If interruptions are to occur, citizens are normally notified twice (by contractor and by GUC). GUC notifies 48 hours in advance when possible, either in person or by using door hangers.
- Will there be bypass pumping? Will the pumps be silent? GUC requires critically silenced pumps near residences. For this project, no bypass pumping for sewer is anticipated. Any required erosion control pumps would also be specified as "silent."