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Law enforcement officials around the world recognized a serious need for a better prepared and unified approach to law CALEAenforcement for agencies and the citizens they serve. Together, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Sheriff’s Association, and Police Executive Research Forum created the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). The formation of the Commission resulted in a set of internationally accepted law enforcement standards. 

Department History

The Greenville Police Department became the 370th nationally accredited law enforcement agency in the United States and Canada through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), on November 18, 1995. This status was achieved after an intensive three-year period of self-assessment that required a major overhaul of department policies, procedures, and practices. This concluded with a detailed inspection and critique by other law enforcement officials from other states. CALEA requires agencies to be re-accredited every three years. This requirement has resulted in continuous improvements in structure, leadership, organization, general direction, and accountability.

Current Status

As part of the re-accreditation process, out-of-state assessors selected by CALEA, conduct an on-site assessment of the Department. The Greenville Police Department's on-site assessment took place August 7th-10th, 2023. During the assessment, all aspects of the Department were inspected and critiqued. A final report was completed by the assessors and submitted to the Board of Commissioners following the visit. The unanimous recommendation was for re-accreditation with excellence for the Greenville Police Department. The Greenville Police Department was commended for an outstanding on-site review and received the Law Enforcement Advanced Meritorious Gold Standard Re-Accreditation Awarded on November 18, 2023, in Covington, Kentucky at the CALEA Conference. 

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