Greenville, NC
Home MenuApply for an Internship
The Greenville Police Department recognizes the need to meet student interest in the law
enforcement profession and has established a student intern program. The Deputy Chief or his
designee places college students who are recommended for an internship by their college or
university in a division or unit within the department that is relative to their field of study. Each
semester 5 interns are accepted and applications are considered on a first come, first serve
The attached application includes Civilian Volunteer Program Application, State of
Confidentiality, and the Citizen Observation Program Application. Each application must be
notarized and be companied by a resume. Applications can be submitted in person to the
Greenville Police Department receptionist desk located at 500 South Greene Street, Greenville,
NC 27834; scanned/emailed to Officer M. Cunningham; or mailed to P.O. Box 7207 Greenville,
NC 27835.