Greenville, NC
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Police Community Relations Committee
02/11/2025 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Affordable Housing Loan Committee
02/12/2025 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Recreation and Parks Commission
02/12/2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Human Relations Council Special Meeting
02/12/2025 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Multimodal Transportation Commission
Council Liaison: Council Member Matthew Scully
Staff Liaison: Elizabeth Stalls
Number of Members: 7*
Term in Years: 2**
Date Established: January 1, 2021
Duties: To advance and encourage multimodal options for the citizens and visitors of Greenville and provide advice and recommendations to the City Council on issues related to public transportation, bicycle, and pedestrian related issues.
Meeting Day: Third Wednesday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, and November)
Meeting Time: 5:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Conference Room, G.K. Butterfield Transportation Center, 600 South Pitt Street
Requirements: City residency
*The initial membership of the Multimodal Transportation Commission will be composed of (9) members. Membership will be reduced down to seven (7) members through attrition.
**Members shall serve staggered terms with each term being two (2) years. The initial membership of the Multimodal Transportation Commission shall be comprised of six (6) members of the Greenville Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission and three (3) members of the Public Transportation & Parking Commission. The initial membership will be staggered with four (4) members serving 2-year terms, three (3) members serving 1-year terms, and two (2) members serving 3-year final terms.
Current Membership: | |||
Name | Member Type | Expiration Date | Current Term |
Dr. James Byrd | January 2025 | Filling unexpired term | |
Kellie Gonzalez |
January 2025 | Filling unexpired term | |
Robert Edwards |
January 2025 | Second term | |
Gary Fenton |
January 2026 | First term |
Arcina Dixon | Chair | January 2025 | First term |
Katherine Dale | Vice - Chair | January 2025 | First term |
Joey X Austin | January 2025 | Filling unexpired term |
Multimodal Transportation Commission Meeting Schedules and Agendas